When I was a kid my mother always made my sandwiches the
same way; two slices of Wonder bread, a slab of meat, and a slice of
cheese. Forget everything else.
As I have grown older, my tastes have changed, and I make my
own sandwiches a little differently. I
now use whole grain bread and I actually
add romaine lettuce or alfalfa sprouts.
Sometimes I add a slice of tomato or avocado and I top it off with some
designer mustard (never did like mayo).
Because of tradition, I still always add a slice of
cheese. Cheese is one of my favorite
foods and I would never think of not adding it to my sandwich!
One day I didn't have any cheese (a national disaster) and
made my sandwich sans cheese. After I
finished eating I realized that my sandwich didn't taste all that differently
than it usually did with the cheese. I
guess the way my sandwiches have evolved over the years with all the yummy
additions has really masked the taste of the cheese.
I thought, "Why not leave the cheese off from now on
and save almost a 100 calories on every sandwich!" So, I now just say, "Hold the Cheese,
Professor Tom Laurie