Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Looking for a Job is a Full Time Job

I just watched one of our US Olympic Archery hopefuls and he mentioned that he practiced 12 hours a day.  I thought, Wow, here is a young man who really knows what he wants.  He certainly is able to keep his eye on the goal.

How many job hunters only put in only 12 minutes a day rather than 12 hours in their job search?

Why do so many out of work people sit around doing nothing? You would think that the decision to put maximum effort into finding a job would be easy.

I think the answer is complicated.  Some job hunters  get discouraged, some don't know what to do.

If you don't have a job, you should get up in the morning, put on your work clothes and put in a good 8 hours every day looking for a job! 

You should be  working on your negatives.  Maybe you need to lose weight or maybe you need to improve your skills.  The worst thing you can do is just sit at home hoping someone will call - that will only depress you.

In my book, "Conquer the Losing attitude of Job Hunters," I outline what I call the aerobic plan to finding a job.  This plan gets you out of the house every day meeting the people in your field who have the authority to hire.  This plan is essential to not only find the people who can hire you, but it keeps you active in the job hunt which can be invigorating rather than depressing.

Bottom line.   Don't sit at home - get out and find that job!

Professor Tom Laurie

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